I will be putting scary stories this month to acclimate until Halloween arrives.
was 27 years old when this happened, now I have 35 and I still shudder to pensarlo.Me took a week off at work and went to the beautiful Pontevedra (Galicia), with four friends. We were visiting their great views and two days later we decided to visit small villages around Mondariz Pontevedra.Estuvimos in a small town inhabited by farmers and sellers, very nice. We arrived at night and choose to stay at the only hotel in town, located near a forest quite extensive, John, one of my friends decided to leave the forest, but most of us refuse, really scared us out in the middle of the night , and more in Galicia where the magic and mysterious seizes every rincón.Pero near the one in the morning again, John, we reiterated the same question, it was getting heavy, we could not sleep well, That made us unfortunately to bosque.Al aventurásemos After a tour of about a mile, we found a small cemetery, surrounded by a fence wrought iron, with a door. We went and saw only half-open graves and headstones, the cemetery appeared to be abandoned, at first we thought nothing at all, but leave the graveyard we saw a man running and running without stopping for a moment escondiésemos told us that if we did, we would die, we started to laugh at him as he disappeared into the darkness, and walk a few meters, we heard a sort of whispering, to pay more attention to see a glow that was coming at the same time we hear about steps, passages. So if we were scared, instinctively, as if we had all been in agreement to enter cementerio de nuevo para escondernos. No quisimos mirar para ver que era, sólo estábamos callados y sentimos como, cerca de nosotros pasó un grupo de gente y luego como los pasos se fueron alejando. Durante los intensos momentos sentimos todos un olor a corrompido y quemado.Cuando ya no escuchamos nada más salimos y más adelante vimos unas huellas de pasos marcados en el húmedo suelo, se podía apreciar perfectamente que había pasado un grupo de gente y que su rastro se dirigía, justo, en la misma dirección donde se había escondido aquel señor que se fue corriendo.Finalmente salimos del bosque, a eso de las cuatro de la madrugada para regresar lo antes posible al hotel.Al entrar había un anciano, que nada mas vernos we started screaming, asking for explanations of why we left the forest night. We told him what happened and he began to pray. He said something like we were living miracle. We ask for explanations, it is an old legend of the mysterious lands of northern Spain, he told us at night are the brave few who enter the depths of the Galician forests and under a full moon, you can find death and wandering like a lost soul if you find it, with the Holy Company, if he sees you, you are given on a bone, like a torch and join her to wander for the rest of eternity with her, not you can look, and if you dare to do so you must draw a circle on the ground and stay inside until long pass ahead of your eyes, and if you do not dare to look at hide and pray, pray a lot so you do not see. He also said that the cemetery was there only for the victims who died for the holy company, say they are cursed and that is so hidden and the village. What steps do listen, as the elderly may be two things, the steps of the Holy Company or the souls that passed near us, or that the souls of the dead ran ella.No fleeing know what really happened that night, but never knew anything about that man who disappeared in the darkness fled from that accursed forest ...
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