Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wicker Chair For A Baby Shower

It's a nice tradition to decorate at Christmas households with sprigs of holly.
always green and shiny, their pointed leaves, give the promise of a lasting life. Its bright red berries suggest happiness and welfare.

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Holly has been in the Christmas festivities since the earliest days of our Common Era. In Roman times, sprigs of holly were sent to the newlyweds, and the Saturnalia celebrations, which were the parties crop in the middle of winter, public demonstrations of gratitude were presenting him with sprigs of holly another sign of esteem and well wishes for the family.
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holly grows only in Europe, Asia, Africa and throughout America. When the Romans invaded England, saw the high esteem in which its inhabitants had holly.

For the Druids it was a sacred plant. And for that the spirits of the inhabitants of the tree is not being exposed to the weather, wore sprigs of it to their homes.
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Then, in later times, England was more festive thanks to Holly. Released man of the curses of witches, and stomp their berries, was believed attracted misfortune.
is the preferred food of the robin. All houses, temples, street corners and squares of London were adorned with wreaths of holly branches and in the days leading up to Christmas.

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A Celtic myth Holly is related to the story in which the protagonists are Gawain, lord of the oak and the Green Knight, lord of holly, which describes the virtue of honor, then the Irish romance was adapted the Arthurian tales, less pay, as annual battle between the knight of Oak and Knight Ghost, being originally an Irish Celtic story called "Romance of Gawain and the Green Knight" that has to do with the human spirit tested.



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